miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013


Our in vitro was performed on Sunday. In the afternoon, our doctor called us to the hotel to tell us the result. 6 embryos had formed: from one two, four from the other. The egg collection resulted in 14, so we decided to allocate 7 for each one and see how many fertilized. By spreading half, embryos were fewer in number, but the result was good.

IVF is on a glass plate. Mimic the environment of the fallopian tube with all fluids. Make the collection of sperm, centrifuged, and only motile sperm will be put in contact with the eggs in the laboratory. For those who think that the introduction of sperm injection is done, I will say that this is only done in the case of very low numbers of sperm. It is uncommon to have to do it.

After culturing the embryos for 48 hours, we have the result of embryos that can be transferred. It begins cell division and begin to grow a little, but are smaller than a grain of rice. From the third to fifth day starts the transfer to the uterus of the surrogate. From here, you have to wait for 2-3 weeks to see if the Beta HCG is positive, although you can get a feel slight for the 10 days of the transfer.

Yesterday was our transfer, and by the end of the month or early April, we will know the result.

In our clinic, the transfer is not more than 2 embryos. I tell you why ... Two embryos are required to have a pregnancy, with some chance of having twins. If you enter more than two embryos, the proportion of twins increases, but also increases the likelihood of rejection, reducing the chance of pregnancy. Think that the surrogate mother has nothing to do with the egg or sperm, thus, the embryo behaves as a graft. The grafts can be rejected, or can accept, and this probability grows thereby increasing the number of embryos.

As to the prenatal diagnosis of sex of babies in India is banned since 1994. This is because previous pregnancies that resulted in woman, were stopped for a high cost that results a women for their families, especially when they get married, they was not much money, and low productivity in some parts of India were prevented from working. Currently, India is not available, and is punishable by law, to three years in prison and a fine of 10,000 rupees approximately. Therefore, we will not know the gender of our babies in the event that everything goes well.

By the way, many thanks to all the fans around the world on our blog, and thanks for your messages of support from Spain, USA, France, Germany, Argentina, UK, Norway, Canada, India and the Netherlands. I'll update more data in an objective and impartial way we see things through our experience with surrogacy India. See yaaaaaaaa!

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